Top Ten Content Marketing SaaS Trends for 2024

content marketing trends 2024

2023 was a monumental year for SaaS marketers. ChatGPT made an unprecedented splash. Its ripples were felt in every direction, but perhaps nowhere more than in the Content Department. As we approach the new year, content marketing continues to evolve rapidly, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. Join us as we explore content marketing trends for 2024 and offer insights and content marketing advice that anyone can use.


What Are Content Marketing Trends?

Content marketing for SaaS trends have undergone significant transformations, mirroring the evolution of media and consumer behavior. From the early days of print and broadcast media, where content marketing was synonymous with advertorials and sponsored programs, to the advent of digital platforms that ushered in the era of blogs, SEO, and social media marketing, content marketing has undergone a radical transformation. The advent of digital media saw a shift toward more engaging formats like videos and podcasts. The emphasis in recent years has been on the power of personalization, user-generated content, and AI-driven strategies. These historical shifts have created an industry that’s always ready to adapt to new technologies and changing consumer expectations. As we look ahead to 2024, the content marketing landscape is poised to take another leap forward. Emerging trends promise to redefine how content is created, distributed, and consumed, keeping in step with the rapidly evolving digital world and the changing preferences of a diverse, global audience.


Content Marketing Trends 2024

AI’s Role Continues to Expand

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution shows no signs of slowing. One HubSpot report found that 90% of marketers say that AI and automation help them spend less time on manual tasks, freeing them up to focus on more creative aspects of their jobs. Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Jasper are especially popular. While it’s not a replacement for human creativity (96% of marketers do not use its output without human intervention), AI can generate basic reports, news updates, and even assist in drafting initial versions of more complex articles, which can then be refined by human editors.

Currently, the top uses of AI among marketers are:

  • Creating content (48%)
  • Analyzing/reporting on data (45%)
  • Learning how to do things (45%)
  • Conducting research (32%)
  • Ideas and inspiration (22%)


As we enter the new year, marketers should expect AI’s role to continue expand. The technology’s ability to generate high-quality content will improve, and marketers will use it to provide unmatched personalization and operational efficiency, redefining how they approach their campaigns and interact with their audiences. Now is the time to learn more about prompt engineering and to master tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney for content creation.

Personalization Becomes Paramount

90% of American consumers report that personalization is very or somewhat appealing to them. Driven by technological advancements, marketers’ ability to meet that expectation will grow in 2024. Machine learning enables more refined user segmentation for email marketing campaigns, tailoring content to address each segment’s distinct challenges and interests. For example, a marketer can send different email content to CTOs and CFOs, recognizing the unique perspectives and pain points of each role. AI-driven personalization also extends to the customization of web experiences. A visitor from a startup might be presented with case studies and content relevant to scaling businesses, while a visitor from a large enterprise might see information about advanced features and integration capabilities.

Lean Budgets Require Careful Planning

While indications of recovery are ahead, inflation remains high, and the nation’s economic future seems uncertain. The ability of content marketers to deliver impactful results with leaner budgets will be more crucial than ever. This will require a strategic approach that prioritizes smarter resource allocation and efficiency. Marketers will find themselves re-evaluating their spending, directing their budgets towards high-impact strategies that promise the best return on investment (ROI). Producing material that speaks directly to a well-defined audience segment will be pivotal. Precise targeting ensures that every piece of content, whether a blog post, whitepaper, or case study, resonates, maximizing engagement and generating qualified leads.

Smart content marketers will stretch their budgets by repurposing and recycling high-performing content across different platforms and formats in 2024. This strategy extends the life and reach of existing content while maximizing the value of each piece of content. By adapting a key webinar into a series of blog posts, infographics, or short video clips, for example, a SaaS marketing agency like Bay Leaf Digital can continually engage audiences without the need for significant additional investment.


2024 Content Marketing Predictions – What Will We Write About?

Sustainability and CSR Take Center Stage

Harvard Business School reports that, “Seventy percent of Americans believe it’s either ‘somewhat’ or ‘very important’ for companies to make the world a better place. It’s therefore no surprise that sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are set to become major driving forces shaping content marketing trends in 2024. Marketers will find it increasingly important to integrate and highlight their brand’s commitment to environmental and social aspects within their content. This shift will go beyond mere token mentions of green practices or charitable endeavors and will require a deep integration of sustainable and ethical practices into brand narrative and messaging. Brands that effectively communicate their efforts in these areas through their content will foster greater consumer trust and loyalty and position themselves as leaders in a world where corporate responsibility is becoming a benchmark for consumer choice.

The Emphasis on Relationships and Connection Expands

When audiences see a reflection of themselves in the brand’s story, they form deeper, more meaningful connections with that brand. Watch for a shift toward more emotionally resonant and relatable strategies in content marketing trends throughout 2024, as the building of genuine relationships and deep connections remains a central theme in content marketing. Storytelling will play a pivotal role in this shift, providing a powerful means for brands to convey their values, share their journey, and engage with audiences on a more personal level. Marketers who craft narratives that resonate with the experiences and aspirations of their targets will foster authentic engagement and boost customer lifetime value.

Video Has a Greater Impact

With its ability to captivate and retain audience attention, video will be an indispensable tool for content marketers in 2024. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube are revolutionizing how content is consumed, and how it is discovered through search. TikTok, with its short-form, highly engaging content, is changing the paradigm of audience engagement, particularly among younger demographics. Its algorithm-driven feed has turned it into a discovery platform where search results are tailored to user preferences, behavior, and engagement patterns. Similarly, YouTube has long been a powerhouse for video content, but it is also evolving as a primary search engine, especially for tutorials, reviews, and educational content. The platform’s robust search functionality, combined with its vast repository of content, makes it a go-to source for information on a wide range of topics. This shift towards video platforms for search purposes presents a unique opportunity for content marketers. It demands a strategic emphasis on creating video content that is engaging and optimized for search on these platforms. This means leveraging keywords, hashtags, and descriptions effectively, and understanding the nuances of how content is consumed on TikTok and YouTube.

Thought Leaders Differentiate their Brands

In 2024, thought leadership will emerge as a crucial strategy for brands striving to differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace. Thought leadership positions your brand as a leading voice and authority in your industry, showcasing expertise, creativity, and innovation. Effective thought leadership often involves deep dives into industry-specific topics, sharing original research, offering informed opinions on market changes, and even predicting future trends. Provide insights, offer unique perspectives, and address emerging trends and challenges in your field to enhance your brand’s credibility and authority. Use thought leadership to educate potential clients. For example, in the SaaS sector, marketers can leverage thought leadership to explain complex technologies in accessible ways, demystifying products and services.


Data and Security Content Marketing Trends

Access to First-Person Data Will Require a Value Exchange

Consumers have become hyper-aware of the value of their data and are protective and selective about what personal information they share. To access that first-person data in 2024, marketers will have to offer tangible benefits in return. A strategic realignment will be necessary in which the value provided is both transactional and in alignment with broader concepts such as sustainability, personalized experiences, and usefulness. In exchange for their data, consumers might expect access to premium content, personalized service recommendations, or insights that help them make more sustainable choices. Marketers will be forced to reassure consumers about data privacy and security and demonstrate that the collected data will be used to enhance the user experience to provide value that resonates with the consumer’s evolving expectations.

Privacy is a Cornerstone

As concerns around data privacy have risen, transparent data practices have become an indispensable component of content marketing. Businesses that prioritize customer privacy comply with legal obligations and build deeper trust and loyalty among their audience. This trend is expected to intensify in 2024, with customers increasingly favoring brands that are open about their data usage policies and show a genuine commitment to protecting user information. A proactive approach in which transparency is not just a compliance measure but a key element of brand value will be required to foster long-term customer relationships and enhance brand reputation.

Changes in Search Techniques Influence SEO

Consumers are increasingly turning to platforms like ChatGPT, YouTube, and TikTok for their queries. This trend is challenging traditional approaches to SEO and will lead to a reevaluation of strategies. The rise of conversational AI, video content, and short-form media as primary sources of information signals a move away from standard search engine queries, creating a landscape where the rules and effectiveness of SEO are in flux. The uncertainty surrounding how this shift will ultimately play out places an imperative on marketers to remain agile and responsive in 2024. They must be prepared to quickly pivot their strategies in response to these evolving search patterns to ensure that that their content remains visible and engaging across platforms.

Metrics and Data Analysis Matter

As content marketing evolves, the role of metrics and data analysis will be more critical than ever in shaping and evaluating content marketing strategies. Data-driven marketing will play a vital role in optimizing shrinking budgets. Understanding audience behavior, preferences, and campaign performance will guide more informed, successful marketing decisions. By leveraging analytics, marketers can gain insights into what types of content perform best, which channels yield the most engagement, and how audiences interact with different content formats. This data-centric approach will lead to a more informed decision-making process, ensuring that resources are invested in campaigns and strategies that have a proven track record of success. Automation tools in content marketing, such as AI-driven content scheduling and performance tracking, will become more integrated in marketing data analysis, improving cost efficiency by reducing the manual labor required and enhancing the effectiveness of content distribution.


The Future of Content Creation

Navigating the future of content marketing can be both exhilarating and challenging. At Bay Leaf Digital, we make it a practice to keep on the latest in B2B SaaS content marketing. This does more than ensure that we’re up to speed on current best practices. To prepare this article, we read a wide range of articles from our favorite sources, including:


a woman holding a glass ball


Non-stop research means that we know where the industry is headed. We’re able to anticipate changes and proactively prepare to adapt. Our content department has been training and getting ready for the latest content marketing trends in 2024 including expanded use of artificial intelligence, better storytelling woven into authentic and value-driven content, and an increased understanding and application of data into campaign evaluation.

Ready to explore the future of content marketing for your B2B SaaS business? Visit us at Bay Leaf Digital to schedule a discussion and discover how we can help you stay ahead.

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Author Profile
Terry Wolfisch
Terry Wolfisch Cole
Terry is a marketing content manager at Bay Leaf Digital. She holds degrees in writing from Binghamton University and New York University, and brings decades of sales and marketing experience to her work. Terry puts words to work for Bay Leaf Digital clients, generating long-form and short-form content across platforms. When she’s not at her desk creating awesome content, you can find her telling Moth-style true stories on stage or chasing her next Bruce Springsteen concert.